Succeed in transformations

There are written a lot of great books about project- and programme management with focus on how to run a transformation – ‘Do things right’. A tiny part in these books is left to the scoping phase of the project – ‘Do the right things’ – The 12Box Model® helps transformation responsible to develop a clear understanding of the transformation purpose in a structured manner.

Our experience is that all the great project management tools only works as sufficient process models if the project input from project start is right – ‘Garbage in = garbage out’

The 12Box Model® is a tool targeted to scope digital projects and break down the transformation in incremental sprints. This creates more structure and quality in input to projects.

With only 12 themes the 12 Box Model® is covering three main corners in the organisation – Customers, Production and Management. Regardless of being in a public or private organisation focused on service delivery or product production, the 12Box Model® facilitates the discussion.

It is with some organisational training possible to learn these 12 themes and use them as a common transformation method and a common language across the organisation. This is a suggestion to use a common language for use across Business, IT, HR, Communication and Marketing.

The way to use 12 themes as facilitation tool could start with the theme Journey
(Customer Journey) asking:

  1. How is the customer journey in the future? (TO-BE)
  2. Compare (1) with our existing customer journey to day (AS-IS)
  3. What initiatives will bring us from AS-IS to TO-BE? (TO-DO)
The transformation process

The next step is to find Journey relations to the 11 other themes in the 12Box Model®: ex. channels used, future branding, production delivered to the journey steps etc.

The facilitation of projects can start from the theme most relevant for the transformation purpose.